This is always going to be my dream to have this brand new handphone from Sony Ericsson, Aino. The Price Is about RM2000.... Get all the entertainment you’ve ever craved on the beautifully crafted Sony Ericsson Aino phone. Designed to match your life, you can pack the Aino phone full of your favourite music, photos, films and podcasts. Then take your mobile entertainment everywhere you go to enjoy on its stunning 3” touch screen. Transfer your latest music and movie files from your PC to phone over WiFi with the amazing Media. But, i do know people always want the best in their life, then Aino will suite you the best for better life transformation of gadget experience.

My roommates already bought this Aino phone (the black-blue one) and what can I say is it awesome. It just only a phone that you can use to call or receive call, receiving and sending message or MMS but many other function such as GPS and camera 8.1mp.