Hi and welcome to Coffee Info!
I try to post as much useful information about coffee here as possible. Coffee is the second biggest industry in the world at the moment, bigger than tabaco and alcohol. We all know why… because it’s so good! We drink about 2 billion cups of coffee in the world every day so we must be doing something right. But… there is much to learn!
Coffee beans come from 2 coffee plants called Arabica and Robusta. These plants grow best in an area know as the Bean Belt, the band around the earth in between the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer. Coffee beans are usually mixed together to create a coffee blend. Different flavours are blended together to create one good mixture of coffee beans from different origins. Flavours of coffee beans are very complex and conditions like region, soils, country, altitudes, amount of rain and sunshine, and processing of the coffee beans all affect the flavour of the beans.
How much caffeine?
How much caffeine is there in the most popular drinks? See the table below for more info.
Product Caffeine Content
Regular coffee (drip method, 5 oz) 60 – 180 mg
Regular coffee (percolated, 5 oz) 40 – 170 mg
Regular coffee (instant, 5 oz) 30 – 120 mg
Decaffeinated coffee (drip method, 5 oz) 2 – 5 mg
Decaffeinated coffee (instant, 5 oz) 1 – 5 mg
Espresso (1 oz) 30 – 50 mg (1 oz)
Tea, loose or bags (5 oz) 20 – 90 mg
Iced Tea (12 oz) 67 – 76 mg
Hot Cocoa (5 oz) 2 – 20 mg
Coca Cola (12 oz) 46 mg
Pepsi (12 oz) 38 mg
Milk chocolate (1 oz) 1 – 15 mg
Source: US Food and Drug Administration and National Soft Drink Association
So, do you rather just drink Pepsi and Cola other than Coffee that has antioxidant in the coffee???